Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Student Publications
Adams, Randall. 2004. “Labor Leaders,” J. Burns & G. Goethals (eds.), Encyclopedia of Leadership, Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing.
Adams, Randall with W. Canak. 2004. “Blue-Collar Careers,” in Encyclopedia of Careers, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Alexander, Renata with J. Eller. 2006. “Emotion Work,” , George Ritzer (ed.), Encyclopedia of Sociology, Blackwell.
Alexander, Renata. 2004. “Is Sexuality Sacred? A Biblical Connection,” in S. Nagypal (ed.), Fullness of Life-Life in Abundance, Student World, 64, 104-113.
Bennett, Matttew with Brian P. Hinote. 2012. “Socioeconomic Barriers to Mental Health Treatment.” McNair Rresearch Review 10, 29-35.
Brock, Daniel with K. E. Smith and C. Hogan. 2004. “Interior Incised Plates and Bowls from the Nashville Basin of Tennessee,” Tennessee Archaeology 1(1):49-57.
Brown, Dustin with K. D. Breault. 2004. “Suicide in America: Durkheim’s Enduring Ecological Correlation,” in Carter, G. (ed.), Empirical Approaches to Sociology, Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Brown, D with K. Breault and L. Hampton. 2009. “Replicating Suicide in America: Durkheim’s 1897 Theory,” (with L. Hampton and D. Brown) in G. Carter (ed.), Empirical Approaches to Sociology, Boston, Allyn & Bacon
Chananie, Ruth. 2005. Student editor, Red Feather Journal of Graduate Sociology, 5, Online.
Clanton, Shonda L. and Paul N. Eubanks. 2018. “An Elemental Analysis of the Mineral Springs at Castalian Springs in North-Central Tennessee.” Journal of Undergraduate Research in Anthropology, 2018 Volume 11, 9-14.
Currey, Andrew with Brian P. Hinote. 2011. “The Evolution of Industrial Food Production: McDonaldization and Population Health.” Scientia et Humanitas 1, 121-35.
Deaton, D., R. Aday and J. J. Krabill. 2014. “Religion in the Lives of Older Incarcerated Women Serving Life.” Journal of Women and Aging, 26-238-256.
Deaton, D., R. Aday and A. Wahidin. 2009. “The Effect of Health and Penal Harm on Aging Female Prisoners’ Views of Dying in Prison.” Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 60, 51-70.
Eller, Andrea with J. Eller. 2006. “Fear.” George Ritzer (ed.), Encyclopedia of Sociology, Blackwell Publishing.
Farney, Lori and R. Aday. 2014. “Malign Neglect: Older Women’s Perception of Health Care in Prison. Journal of Bioethics Inquiry, 11, 359-372.
Farney, Lori, Jordan Raley, M. Dye and R. Aday. 2014. “The Rock I Cling To: Religiuos Engagement in the Lives of Life-Sentenced Women.” The Prison Journal, 94, 388-408.
Farney, Lori, R. Aday and K. Breault. 2006. “Age Preference and How Old is ‘Too Old’ for Selected Service Providers among Young, Middle-Aged and Older Adults,” Educational Gerontology, 32, 215-224.
Farney, Lori, R. Aday and G. Kehoe. 2006. “Impact of Senior Center Friendships on Aging Women Who Live Alone,” Journal of Women and Aging, 18, 56-74.
Hogan, Christopher, K. E. Smith and D. Brock. 2004. “Interior Incised Plates and Bowls from the Nashville Basin of Tennessee,” Tennessee Archaeology 1(1):49-57.
Kehoe, Gayle, R. Aday and L. Farney. 2006. “Impact of Senior Center Friendships on Aging Women Who Live Alone,” Journal of Women and Aging, 18, 56-74.
Kehoe, Gayle with R. Aday. 2007. “Working in Old Age: Benefits of Participation in the Community Service Employment Program.” Journal of Workplace Behavior Health, 23, 1125-146.
Krabill, Jennifer with R. Aday. 2005. “Exploring the Social World of Aging Female Prisoners,” Women and Criminal Justice, 17, 27-54.
Krabill, J. J. with R. Aday. 2006. “Aging Prisoners in the Criminal Justice System.” Marquette Elder’s Advisor, 7(2), 237-258.
Krabill, J. J. with R. Aday. 2011. “Women Aging in Prison: A Neglected Population in the Prison System.” Lynne Rienne Publishers (in press).
Ong, Victoria with Brian P. Hinote. Forthcoming (2016). “Social Determinants of Health.” In The American Middle Class: An Economic Encyclopedia of Progress & Poverty. Greenwood.
Parker, Patricia with V. MacLean. 2007. “Simone De Beauvoir,” George Ritzer (ed.), Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing,
Parker, Patricia, V. MacLean and Melissa Sandefur. 2007. “Public Healthcare for Low-Income and Minority Women with Children in an Age of Welfare Reform,” Access, Quality and Satisfaction with Care: Concerns of Patients, Providers, and Insurers Research in the Sociology of Health Care, Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld (ed.), Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
Ross, Katie with J. Eller. 2008. “Gender and Emotion Work,” in Shapiro (ed.), Encyclopedia of Gender and Society, Sage.
Ross, Katie with V. MacLean. 2009. “Health Care Systems, Hidden/Informal.” Encyclopedia of Gender and Society, Jodi O’Brien (ed.), Sage.
Sandefur, Melissa with V. MacLean. 2007. “Emma Goldman,” G. Ritzer (ed.), Encyclopedia of Sociology, Blackwell Publishing.
Sandefur, Melissa with V. MacLean. 2009. “Anorexia and Bulimia.” Encyclopedia of Death and the Human Experience, Sage.
Todd, C. with R. Aday. 2006. “Senior Centers.” Encyclopedia of Aging, 4/e, Springer Publishing Company.
Trail, Cindy with K. D. Breault. 2004. “Violent Crime, Drug Use and Teen Pregnancy,” C. L. Frisby & Reynolds, C. (eds.), Handbook of Adolescence, New York: Wiley.
Watson, Amanda with Jenny M. Stuben, Adam Carle, and Kristin Staggs. 2009. “Gender Expectations and Online Evaluations of Teaching: Evidence From” Teaching in Higher Education, 14(4), 387-399.
Watson, Amanda with Meredith Dye and Brian P. Hinote. 2011. “Contact Hypotheses in Context: Household Characteristics, Community Perception, and Racial/Ethnic Prejudice in the U.S.” Scientia et Humanitas 1, 1-26..
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Middle Tennessee State University
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