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Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Graduate Student Testimonials

MTSU’s Masters Program in Sociology provided me with a foundation for understanding the social world and with a set of methodological and theoretical skills that prepared me for my continuing academic career. 

–Grady Lowery, University of Tennessee

As a law student, my background in sociology informs my understanding of every new law, rule, or policy that I encounter. My ability to approach one issue from multiple perspectives comes directly from my experience in MTSU’s Sociology MA program, and will be one of my greatest assets as a practicing attorney. 

–Lisa Walker, University of Baltimore

The graduate program in sociology at MTSU exceeded all of my expectations. Faculty encouraged me to take my academic work to the next level, resulting in publications, presentations, and facilitating undergraduate courses. I was able to work closely with faculty who mentored me and provided excellent academic and professional guidance. The program set the foundation for what has thus far been a successful career in transportation planning. I have been able to use my graduate experience to objectively evaluate and recommend transportation options that benefit diverse populations. I am able to effectively communicate with the public and work to address their transportation needs. Perhaps most importantly, the graduate program equipped me for a job I love and a career that combines my passion for sociology and making a difference in the community. 

–Amanda Watson, Nashville Metropolitan Transit Authority

While completing my master’s thesis in MTSU’s Sociology program, I began a career in state government with the Tennessee Housing Development Agency, working first in a policy development position in the rental assistance programs; promoting into leadership positions in this area (15 years); and most recently moving from public housing program management into a research position supporting multiple housing programs within the agency. While I did not necessarily expect to pursue a career in state government or spend so many years within the assisted housing field, my education has served invaluably in aiding my success in the industry and the different positions I have held. The critical thinking skills learned in the program, in particular, have allowed me to excel in different roles within the agency. The relationships I developed with professors and peers also continued after graduation and have served as opportunities to continue to share ideas, network and continue to learn.

–Laura Swanson, Tennessee Housing Development Agency

 My decision to enter the graduate program in Sociology at MTSU was pivotal. After graduating from MTSU with a master’s degree in Sociology, I took a full-time position as a Research Associate at the Center for Health Research at Tennessee State University where I was part of an interdisciplinary research team conducting health disparities research. The training I received at MTSU in applied research methods and proposal writing was invaluable in this fast-paced and highly collaborative research environment. I eventually left my position at TSU and entered the Sociology Ph.D. program at the University of Texas at Austin. The graduate program at MTSU provided a solid foundation for my doctoral studies. 

–Dustin Brown, Population Studies Center, University of Michigan

I never dreamed that I would be at a top-twelve public university, but when I interviewed here the graduate coordinator was afraid that I was considering an Ivy League university. That is only because of the training and recommendations that I received from my professors at MTSU.

–Kim Wingard, University of Florida

Contact Us

Mailing Address:  Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Middle Tennessee State University
1301 East Main Street , Box 10
Murfreesboro, TN 37132

Main Office: Todd Hall 342/344
Telephone: (615) 898-2508
Fax: (615) 898-5427